209 X AllergicFoodLover: Her Boss Burger

Before we even think of talking about the burgers, let us take the time to celebrate this day. I do not believe that women's day should refrain to just a mere 24 hours, but rather it should always be celebrated. Also, I think that this year, for many of us females, has been more trying than others. For some readers, such talks might feel redundant but sadly when uncertain times arise, women generally are one of the first victims of this. It is true that there has been an increase in domestic violence as a by-product of the Covid-19 lockdown. This is for all countries. What I would like to bring forth with this short mention is that yes, things can be tough, and yes some days, it feels like hope is an imaginary word and the anxiety and frustration are consuming. However, that does not mean that one should take it out on their partner nor their child. Use that fire to create something, to change something, to put your foot down, and make a stand.
The first time this day was celebrated was back in 1911. There have been some incredible signs of solidarity looking back at the past, from the women's march to Versailles during the French Revolution in 1789 to the strike done by Russian women, this strike that lasted for four days, lead to the abdication of the Tsar in 1917. When women come and join hands they are a force, but the greatest strength is when everyone, both men and women join together to fight for what they believe in, that's a force to be reckoned with.
So on that note, do celebrate the women in your lives, celebrate your mother who brought you to life, your siblings, women you admire, and your partner. If you are a woman, then celebrate yourself. This is why we decided to do a burger. Because women, just like men, love a good burger, and just like men, do not always want wine. Women love beer, women who are coeliac ( aka gluten allergic) love cider which works just as well to refreshen the mouth after all that delicious greasiness.
The beauty of a burger is that at the end of the day, you can put whatever you want in it. Go all out, put your personality in it. Mine shows the creativity, the different layers one has to overcome in order to get the whole aspect of the person, the daring and courageous with a hint of the familiar. However, the best part of this delicious indulgence is that it's 100% made in Lebanon. Let's rock and roll!
Recipe for 2 badass Leburgers
2 hamburger bread buns ( I made gluten-free ones myself, message me for the recipe).
2 burger patties: I used the gluten-free vegan one from Dry & Raw, otherwise, it's 500gr minced meat per burger.
1 onion
1 jar of fig jam, I used Fertaike
1 jar of spreadable brie from Dry & Raw
Something green, I used spinach leaves
Dijon Mustard
Cut the onions in thin slices, throw them in a pan with a drizzle of oil, splash of water on low heat, salt, and pepper, and stir until they turn golden brown. If you want you can add a small spoon of butter to enhance the flavoring of the caramelized onion. Once done, in a bowl add a spoon of fig jam to the onion and mix. Set aside. Pan fry your patty, according to your preference, that is whether it's meat or the vegan patty. Then assemble accordingly. On the bread, very lightly, spread a layer of mustard, add the mixed fig jam and onion mix, add the patty, then the cheese of your choosing, if using the brie, take a nice scoop and it'll melt on the burger, the salad leaves, and the very lightly mustard covered bread bun.
Sumac Fries
4 to 6 large potatoes
Peel the potatoes and cut them into thick match sticks.
Wata Cider works perfectly with anything greasy because the alcoholic apples give that refreshing somewhat mouse rinse to the taste buds when eating anything heavy in carbs and fat, although the bubbles might make you full faster, these bubbles are more delicate than fizzy water and thus give that light sourness against the fattiness of the brie and patty.