Your wine preference based on your coffee of choice!
Choosing a wine can be a quite difficult task for many of us; we don’t know what to look for exactly or which characteristics or features would be to our liking. Since not everybody is a wine connoisseur and our ability to appreciate different flavors is defined by our palate, each one of us carries a different appreciation for taste.
Yet, it seems easier for us to pick out our favorite coffee to the point where it has become almost instinctive every time we order it or make it. There are attributes that are present in both wine and coffee that can help us discover our wine preference.
The attributes in question here are:
- Aroma
- Acidity
- Body (how the drink feels inside your mouth)
And now… We’re going to take you on a journey to discover your favorite wine:
For those who enjoy a straight black coffee, you would like sharp wines that have notes of spiciness and acidity like a Sauvignon Blanc, Syrah or a Merlot.
If you’re a Latte or Cappuccino drinker, you should opt for softer wines with low bitterness such as Rosé or Pinot Noir.
Short, black and intense coffees like espressos or macchiatos call for bigger and bolder wines like Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay.
Lastly, for those who enjoy the Chai Tea Latte; a more refined and elegant palate is at play here so good wines would be the Pinot Gris or the Viognier.
Coffee and Wines are similar; give this a try and see if you find your preference!